Love Me, Love My Cardigan – The Facts

English: Makeup before attendance. Српски / Sr...

English: Makeup before attendance. Српски / Srpski: Шминкање пред наступ. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Many Christian women believe that because God loves them and accepts them that this means that they should not need to bother with fashion, makeup and general girly stuff. In their minds the right Christian man will see their inner beauty and step forward to claim them. This attitude is what my friend, A, and reader of this blog, calls the “love me, love my cardigan syndrome”.

There’s one thing that undermines this thinking . Christian. Man.


It may be controversial but virtually all men, Christian or otherwise, respond to certain aspects of beauty in a woman.

Firstly, men – and women – are drawn to that which is beautiful, whether it is a sunset, fabulous architecture – or a pleasing face. Sadly, even among God-loving brethren a jolly smile is not always enough to make them want to get nearer to a woman in a romantic way.

Secondly, like it or not, most women do look better with some attention to their appearance. (As do men but our society’s convention in the west is for the woman to be the user of artificial aids to aid beauty.)

Thirdly, to attract a man’s attention you need to give off certain signals. Make-up – even light make-up – says that you are in the game (I said in it not on it!). It signals that you are engaged in the world. Yep, I know it’s not fair but that is the reality for most people. Of course, there are always going to be natural beauties. We have them in our church: glamorous Christians who wear little or no make-up. But they do have fabulous hair, great clothes, and they are young. The young can get away with much more than us midlifers.

Fourthly, looking good does a lot for one’s self-esteem.

You don’t need to trowel the gloop on like a dodgy X-rated starlet. Read on for my hints and tips.